A Beautiful Way To Make A Difference


2023 Update - Your purchases have made it possible to donate over $100,000 to local non-profit organizations.  Thank you!
In 2011, I started making jewelry to help a team of women raising money for breast cancer research. These women were my friends and long term breast cancer survivors who believe we can all make a difference by contributing to research efforts and preventative care. I continue to contribute a portion of Mysherings’ profits to this effort. 
Inspired, I saw this as an opportunity to raise funds for a group of wonderful young high school students participating in the Sacramento Police Departments Criminal Justice Academy, sacpolicefoundation.org.
The academy is a four-year high school program structured as a "school within a school." The intent of the Academy’s courses is to prepare students for both college and careers. The majority of the participants in the Academy come from low-income homes. Although the students work hard and get good grades, navigating the college admission and SAT preparation process is difficult. 
I use the majority of my profits from the sale of my jewelry to fund a college mentor, a SAT preparation course and scholarships for these students. Many of the students who benefited from these services have gone on to graduate from college and are now leading productive lives, inspiring their siblings and other young people to pursue their own goals.
Each time you purchase a piece of my jewelry remember it is a beautiful way to make a difference.